Ingrown hairs tend to be painful and uncomfortable. Although they grow out on their own with time, the use of home remedies for ingrown hairs can help hasten the process. These remedies include simple natural ways of removal as well as treatments for infected ingrown hairs.
Home Remedies for Ingrown Hair
- Home Remedies for Ingrown Hair
- Sugar Remedy after Shaving
- Baking Soda Ingrown Hair Treatment on Face
- Aspirin Treatment for Ingrown Hair after Shaving
- Salt Heal Ingrown Hair on Legs, Bikini Area
- Black Tea Bags to Stop Ingrown Hair
- How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair Naturally
- Cucumber Cure for Ingrown Hair Infection
- Potato Peels for Ingrown Hair Scars
- Tea Tree Oil
- Honey
- Home Remedies for Infected Ingrown Hair
- Aloe Vera
- Apple cider vinegar
- Poultice for Ingrown Hair
- Acne Medication for the Cyst
- Ingrown Hair Removal Home Remedies
- Tweezers for Removing Curling Hair
- Egg Membrane
Ingrown hairs occur when the sharp tip of a hair curls and grows back into the skin instead of growing out of it. They therefore are most common in areas where people shave such as on the face for men who shave their beards, armpits, bikini area, legs , eyelashes, inner thigh and on the scalp and occur after shaving . The causes of ingrown hair will vary from one person to another. Although they tend to resolve on themselves, one can make use of home remedies for ingrown hair to hasten the process.

Sugar Remedy after Shaving
Sugar is used as an effective skin scrub. It can be used to help get rid of ingrown hair since it gets rid of the dead skin cells on the top layer of the skin. This enables the growth of the ingrown hair out of the skin. It is most appropriate for people and areas with sensitive skin. Here’s how to use sugar scrub to stop ingrown hair fast after shaving or waxing.
- Have half a cup of olive oil or jojoba oil in a bowl and add a cup of white granulated sugar to it. This amount can be varied depending on area it is to be used on. Just mix one portion of sugar with half its amount oil.
- Add into the mixture about 10 drops of lavender oil and the same amount of tea tree oil.
- Use this as a scrub on the affected area massaging it in circular motions until all the sugar dissolves.
- Rinse off the area with warm water and repeat procedure two times each day until desired results are achieved.
Baking Soda Ingrown Hair Treatment on Face
When used on the skin, baking soda has a soothing effect. It has anti-inflammatory effects which is great for reducing the redness resulting from ingrown hairs. It relieves itching and also exfoliates the dead skin cells.
- Use some water to make a baking soda paste. Mix the two until the mixture is consistent.
- Dip a cotton ball into the solution and dab it on the affected area.
- Leave it to rest for five minutes before rinsing it off with some cold water. Repeat procedure after every other day until the hair grows out.
- Baking soda can also be used as a scrub. Mix oatmeal and baking soda in equal amounts and add some water to make a paste. Massage this gently on the skin and leave it on for five minutes. Use warm water to rinse and pat the skin dry gently. Do this two times every day.
Aspirin Treatment for Ingrown Hair after Shaving
When ingrown hairs cause inflammation and redness , aspirin will help in clearing it up. This is because it contains anti-inflammatory agents which helps in reducing swelling and any infections there may be. It also has salicylic acid that clears up dead skin thus loosening the ingrown hair.

- Dissolve two aspirin tablets in warm water until a consistent paste is formed.
- Add to the paste a teaspoon of honey and stir until ingredients are evenly spread.
- Apply paste on affected area massaging it gently.
- Let it rest for at least 10 minutes before washing it off with some warm water
- This remedy may not be suitable for people with sensitive skin.
Salt Heal Ingrown Hair on Legs, Bikini Area
Salt is used in the same way as sugar for the purposes of exfoliating dead skin cells. When used as a scrub, it will help to increase circulation of blood, reduce swelling as well as promote healing. Salt can be used in different formats on different parts of the body.
- To get rid of ingrown hairs on the face, dissolve two teaspoons of salt in one cup of water. Dip into the mixture a cotton ball and rub it gently on the face. Do not rinse it off. Repeat procedure twice each day. In case you have sensitive skin or experience irritation on area of use, stop the treatment.
- To get rid of ingrown hairs in other parts of the body such as on the bikini area or on the legs , use Epsom salt. Wet the affected skin and apply the salt on the area in circular motions. Rinse off after ten minutes.
Black Tea Bags to Stop Ingrown Hair
Black tea is also another great home remedy for ingrown hair. It has tannic acid which plays a great role in soothing the skin as well as reducing redness on the skin.
- Dip a black tea bag in water to moisten it. Rub this over the area with an ingrown hair and repeat it a number of times each day until desired results are achieved.
You could also steep a black tea bag for a few minutes in some hot water. Once done, squeeze it out in a bowl and add a teaspoon of coconut water. Use a cotton ball to apply this on the affected skin by pressing it gently. Repeat the procedure twice each day.
Moist black tea bags natrual remedy for ingrown hair
How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair Naturally
Before opting for artificial home remedies for ingrown hair, it is important to try out natural remedies. These natural cures are safe for the skin, readily available and easy to use. Discussed below are different ways on how to get rid of ingrown hair naturally.
Cucumber Cure for Ingrown Hair Infection
Cucumbers have the ability to hydrate the skin in a great way. They also have anti-inflammatory agents and will help to get rid of irritation around ingrown hairs. They also offer vitamin C which helps in relieving itchiness and pain.
- Refrigerate slices of cucumbers for 30 minutes before gently rubbing them on the area. Repeat this three times a day
- You could also puree fresh slices of cucumber and mix them with milk to form a consistent paste. Refrigerate the mixture and use a clean piece of cloth to apply the cold mixture on the affected area. Let it rest until dry before washing the mask off with warm water.
Potato Peels for Ingrown Hair Scars
Potatoes can help to soothe the inflammation caused by the ingrown hairs. The starch in the potato will also help to draw out the hair and protect the dermis once the hair has been removed. They also help to prevent ingrown hair scars by enhancing skin regeneration, moisturizing and soothing the area.
- Peel a fresh potato and get the peel
- Use the fleshy raw side of the potato to cover the affected area. You could use a band aid to tape it on.
Leave the peel on for up to 24hours before checking it out.
Potato peels can treat ingrown hair cysts
Tea Tree Oil
This oil has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that make it a great home remedy for skin conditions. It also helps one in avoiding infections in the ingrown hairs.
- Dilute five drops of tea tree oil with two tablespoons of distilled water.
- Clean the area and apply the oil on the affected part of the skin.
- Leave the treatment on for 10 minutes and use warm water to rinse off. Repeat procedure twice each day.
- Olive oil can also be used to dilute tea tree oil. Mix three drops of tea tree oil with a tablespoon of olive oil, massage on affected area and allow to settle for ten minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Honey has antibacterial properties that help to protect the ingrown hair from getting infected. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help in soothing the area and reducing swelling.
- Apply a thick layer of honey on the irritated skin. Raw unprocessed honey has the greatest value.
- Leave it to dry up for at least 10 minutes and rinse with cold water.
- Repeat procedure three times each day.
Home Remedies for Infected Ingrown Hair
Some of the symptoms of an ingrown hair include skin irritation, itching, reddening and formation of pustules. Irritation. When there is an infection, the ingrown hair also forms red bumps which look like pimples or cyst. At times they become itchy, sore and painful. With time they could develop pus. This is more so when one continues with waxing, shaving or epilating before the ingrown hair has been treated.
To avoid the situation from worsening, the first step to take is to stop hair removal procedures for a while. During this time, concentrate on using home remedies for infected ingrown hair to treat the area. These will help in getting rid of the infection as well as soothe the skin. In addition to the natural remedies discussed above, discussed below are other remedies that can help treat infected ingrown hair.
Aloe Vera
This has been used for a long time in healing a lot of skin related ailments. It is an effective cure for ingrown hair infection and will help to relieve any itching caused by it. It also relieves inflammation and has a cooling effect on the area, speeds up the healing process and keeps it well moisturized.

- Extract fresh aloe gel from its leaf.
- Apply this on the affected area and leave it to dry up. This should be for about 30 minutes.
- Rinse the area with warm water and repeat the procedure three times each day until you get better.
Apple cider vinegar
This also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which help to get rid of inflammation, prevent infection as well as get rid of any bacteria on the skin. The remedy also has a soothing effect on the affected part of the skin.
- Use a cotton ball to apply apple cider vinegar on the affected area.
- Give the skin ten minutes to absorb the remedy and rinse off with warm water.
- Repeat procedure twice daily.
Poultice for Ingrown Hair
Poultice is defined as “a soft, moist mass of material, typically of plant material or flour, applied to the body to relieve soreness and inflammation and kept in place with a cloth.” As you can see from the definition, it is a good remedy for razor burn soreness and can also be used to relieve and stop ingrown hair from forming into razor bumps.
Acne Medication for the Cyst
Ingrown hairs are in a great way related to pimples. When they are accompanied by pus as a result of infection, acne medication can be used as a home treatment for ingrown hair . This will go a long way in easing the symptoms. Applying salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide on the area three times a day can help. These will reduce swelling and give the hair enough room to grow out.
Ingrown Hair Removal Home Remedies
While most home remedies help to get rid of ingrown hair with time, there also are a few methods on how to remove an ingrown hair instantly . Since these methods involve teasing the ingrown hair out, it may not be wise to use ingrown hair removal home remedies on infected ingrown hair.

Tweezers for Removing Curling Hair
The use of sterile sharp objects has been applied in getting out ingrown hair. Tweezers are most ideal in this case as their tips are varied to suit the extent of inward curling the hair has undergone.
- Use a warm compress on the affected part to help bring the hair close to the surface of the skin and make it easy to get the hair out.
- Without cutting the skin, use the tweezers to get the end of the hair outside the skin. The tweezers should be flat tipped as opposed to pointed to ensure that the skin does not get hurt.
- Where only the loop of the hair is visible close to the skin and the flat tipped tweezers do not tease out the hair successfully, the hair will have curled deep into the skin. In this case, you may have to use a sterilized needle or pointed tweezers to tug the loop lightly until the end comes out. In case it is too coiled, leave it alone and wait for it to grow out.
Egg Membrane
An egg membrane is another effective home remedy for removal of ingrown hairs.
- Break an egg and remove the yolk and egg white.
- While the membrane is still fresh and wet, remove it from the inside of the egg shell and place it on the area with ingrown hair.
- Leave it to dry on the area during which time it will also shrink.
- Once it has dried up pull it off. This way it should come out with the ingrown hair.