Snoring can be a source of distraction from your sleep at night. Fortunately, there are simple home remedies for snoring including oils, simple anti-snoring devices, natural and herbal remedies as well as some lifestyle changes. We get into the details of these and how to apply them to stop this habit.
Home Remedies to Stop Snoring
- Home Remedies to Stop Snoring
- Anti-snoring Devices
- Essential Oils
- Peppermint oil
- Gargling
- In the humidifier
- Rubbing
- Thyme Oil
- Eucalyptus oil
- Natural Remedies for Snoring
- Honey
- Garlic
- Steam
- Turmeric
- Ghee
- Cardamom
- Nettle tea
- Chamomile
- Olive Oil
- Marjoram oil
- Herbal Remedies for Snoring
- Sage
- Ginger
- Herbal spray
- How to Stop Snoring Naturally through Lifestyle Management
- Tips to Stop Snoring Due to Nasal Problems
- Change your sleeping position
- Shed some weight
- Quite Drinking and smoking
- Sleep hygiene
- Nasal drainage
- New pillows
- Be well hydrated
When people snore, they produce a deep hoarse sound. This sound is caused by the vibration of soft tissue found in the respiratory system as one sleeps. The extent of snoring will vary with some people only producing some soft sound while for others it may be loud and very unpleasant.

In some situations, snoring could be a first alarm for obstructive sleep apnea. There are both surgical and home remedies for snoring. Before settling for surgical processes, it is advisable to try some home solutions fist. Here’s how to stop snoring with home remedies .
Anti-snoring Devices
Medical experts have come up with various devices to be used as home remedies to stop snoring. Different oral devices can help in controlling the architecture of the mouth to stop snoring while sleeping. Some of these are available over the counter while there are others that may require customization depending on your needs. While these mandibular devices may be uncomfortable, studies have shown that they serve their purpose. The anti-snoring devices work by:
- Depressing the tongue to prevent it from falling back to the throat which could block breathing
- Controlling a receding jaw
- Opening the airway by slightly pushing the jaw forward.
- Keeping soft tissue from blocking the passage way
Some of the devices include:
Snoring mouth piece : These are also known as mandibular advancement devices. When they are on, they counteract the tendency for the tongue to get back into the mouth.
Mouth guard : These are mostly designed by dentists to be worn when one is asleep. You can try out those that are available in discount stores to see which fits. In case none does, a dentist can have one custom made for you.
Jaw supporters : These control snoring by unclenching the jaws. It works by keeping your lower jaw in a forward and upward position. They also cause the jaws to relax which is one of the causes for airway obstruction. This increases the airway space thus stopping snoring.
Snoring chin strap : The chin strap is one of the easiest anti-snoring device to use. It consists of a fabric cup that provides support to the chin and straps that pass through the side of the face and around the top of the head. This device works like a sling and holds the jaws in place and keeps the mouth shut. This way the tongue and soft tissues are prevented from falling back into the throat thus avoiding snoring.
Nasal strips : These are most suitable when the cause of snoring is not a sinus problem. These strips contain an adhesive which helps in pulling open the nasal passages. This makes them wider and gives a better flow of air.
Before purchasing any of these devices, it is important to check out their reviews online. Also check if they have been approved by the relevant bodies. Checking out reviews will help identify the risks and side effects of using anti-snoring devices . Since users will also give their personal experiences, reviews will help you tell which snore solution is most suitable for you.
Essential Oils
Some essential oils are known to contain antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. This can work wonders in relieving irritation and swelling along the nasal system. This opens it up for air to move in smoothly. Different oils can be used to stop snoring at home in different ways as discussed below.
Peppermint oil
Pepper mint has anti-inflammatory properties. These help to reduce the swelling of the membranes lining the nostrils and throat. This helps to promote smooth and easy breathing. It is a great remedy for snoring that is as a result of allergic reactions and dry or cold air. There are different ways of using pepper mint oil:
- To a glass of water, add a drop or two of peppermint oil.
- Gargle this solution before going to sleep and be cautious not to swallow it.
- Do this each day until results are achieved.
In the humidifier
- Where the cause of snoring is congestion or dry air, add peppermint oil to the humidifier 30 minutes before going to sleep.
- Turn it on and leave running all through the night. This will help to open the air way.
- Before going to bed, rub some peppermint oil on the lower part of each nose.
Thyme Oil
When you are too tired and exhausted, snoring tends to get worse. This oil has a calming effect and contains anti-bacterial properties. It is normally used together with a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil.
- Mix the two in equal measure.
- Rub the mixture at the bottom of the feet for a calming effect
- The oil can also be added into the humidifier.
- This oil should not be used to stop snoring while pregnant or nursing, in kids or by persons suffering from high blood pressure.
Eucalyptus oil
This can be used to liquefy any mucus that may be stuck in the airways. This promotes smooth breathing. The oil also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent. This ensures it reduces irritation and swelling on the nostrils’ inner lining
- Rub the oil on the outside of the nose. In case it is too strong, you can use a carrier oil to dilute it.
- The oil can also be inhaled in steam. Add hot water into a pot and add a few drops of the oil. Place a towel over your head and have the head close to the bowl
- Inhale the steam coming from the bowl.
Natural Remedies for Snoring
Other than the home remedies for snoring discussed above, there also are some natural remedies for snoring. These are natural cures found existing within us. They are safe for use, readily available and cheap. These do not cause any harm to the environment and are non-toxic. They include:

Honey can help to stop obstruction of the air way by reducing swelling of tissues. It contains anti-inflammatory properties and also acts as a lubricant for the throat. This helps to stop the vibrations that cause snoring.
- Drink a cup of warm water enriched in a tablespoon of honey every day before sleeping.
- Honey can also be used to sweeten herbal tea to be taken before going to bed.
Garlic is known to reduce the mucus build up. It also helps to get rid of inflammation in the respiratory system.
- Before going to bed, chew a clove of raw garlic and then drink a glass of water.
- Ensure that garlic is part of your ingredients when cooking.
One of the reasons why people snore is nasal congestion. To reduce congestion, one can inhale steam. There are different ways of doing this:
- Pour into a bowl boiling hot water. Add a few drops of an essential oil such as tea tree or eucalyptus. Cover your head up using a towel in such a way that it covers the bowl as well. Bend your head over and inhale the steam cautiously to avoid getting burned. Do this each day before going to sleep until the congestion clears up.
- One can also inhale steam by turning on the hot shower and letting the water flow until the whole bathroom is full of steam. Sit in the bathroom for a few minutes to ease the congestion.
Turmeric is both an antibiotic and an antiseptic. It will help reduce heavy snoring by treating inflammation. Other than help one breath freely, it will also help to boost the immune system.

- Warm a glass of milk and add two teaspoons of turmeric powder to it
- Drink this 30 minutes before going to bed every day.
Clarified butter which is also known as ghee contains medicinal elements capable of opening up blocked airway passages. This will help you to sleep better as snoring will be less.
- Use the microwave to warm up a small amount of the clarified butter
- Using a dropper, put two drops of the lukewarm remedy in each nostril
- Do this twice daily before going to bed and after waking up.
The reason why it works is because it is both a decongestant and an expectorant. This makes the air passage way free and lessens snoring.
- To two glasses of warm water, add a teaspoon of cardamom powder.
- Drink at least a glass 30 minutes before going to bed.
Nettle tea
There are some people who only snore in particular times of the year. This could be caused by seasonal allergies where the air passage gets inflamed. Nettle can be used to treat this kind of temporary snoring since it has both antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Get a tablespoon full of dried and crashed nettle leaves and add it to a cup of boiling water
- Let it steep for five minutes before straining
- Drink the tea before going to bed.
This has anti-inflammatory effects which could help you stop snoring. It also helps to relax any tense muscles and nerves.
- Make chamomile tea by adding a tea bag of chamomile tea or chamomile flowers to a cup of boiling water.
- Leave it for about 15 minutes before straining.
- Add a teaspoonful of honey and take the tea before sleeping.
Olive Oil
Other than the essential oils mentioned above, there are other oils that can help to stop snoring. Olive oil helps to ease tissue found along the respiratory system. This not only clears it but also helps to reduce any swellings and soreness. When used regularly, the vibrations that lead to snoring will be reduced.
- Take a sip or two of olive oil before going to sleep.
- You could also combine honey and olive oil in equal portions. Consume this every day before retiring.
Marjoram oil
This oil opens up the airway, gets rid of obstruction and adds muscle tone to the throat area. With the use of marjoram oil , snoring can be stopped within a few days.

- Rub the oil around the nose before going to bed
- Use the oil to massage the neck, chest and shoulders before going to bed.
- Use it as a component in steam inhalation to decongest the airways.
Herbal Remedies for Snoring
If you incorporate herbal ingredients in your lifestyle, you will be glad to know that there are herbal home remedies for snoring. These come in both raw and processed form. It is best to opt for those that are in their most natural form. Some of the herbal remedies for snoring include the ones discussed below.
This herb is known to be anti-inflammatory and also comes with a number of other medicinal properties. It can be used to reduce mucus congestion as well as inflammation in the airways. This will reduce snoring considerably.
- In a bowl of boiling water, put some sage leaves
- Cover your head with a towel and draw your head close to the bowl so you can inhale the steam
- Inhale steam with both nose and mouth.
- Another way to use this would be by gargling the herbal tea before going to sleep.
- Sage should not be used by people who have any kind of seizure disorder.
This herbal remedy is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and helps to increase secretion of saliva. The saliva plays a great role in soothing the throat by providing a coating for it. When used together with honey, the honey helps to lubricate the throat further. This way any swelling is reduced and the nasal cavity is opened up.
- Get a piece of fresh ginger root and peel it. Once done cut and crush.
- Put crushed ginger into a pan and add a cup of water. Bring the mixture to boil
- Cover it and leave if for five minutes to steep before straining
- Add a tablespoon of honey
- Take a cup of this three to four times per day
Herbal spray
According to Daily Mail, herbal nasal spray can help to shrink the nostril’s lining . This creates more breathing space and also tightens tissue found at the roof of the mouth. This way there is less vibration and less snoring. Purchase one from the stores and use it to prevent snoring at home. Follow the manufacturer user instructions.
How to Stop Snoring Naturally through Lifestyle Management
It is estimated that 45 percent of adults snore . In some cases, the snoring problem is not serious and all that one requires to do is make some lifestyle changes that counter the causes. This makes identifying what causes snoring in an individual important if a relevant cure is to be found. Some of the causes of snoring include:
Nasal problems : When one has sinus problems, snoring could happen since inhalation is made difficult by the blockage.
Age : When you reach middle age, the throat starts to grow narrower. The muscle tone also decreases leading to a strenuous breathing process.
Gender : Men are more likely to snore because they have narrower air passages.
Obesity : Being overweight increases the amount of fatty tissue. This causes poor muscle tone leading to snoring.
Poor sleeping posture : When you sleep flat on your back the flesh on your throat relaxes and blocks the airway.
Poor lifestyle : Smoking and alcohol as well as some medication could cause muscles in the throat to relax thus snoring.
Tips to Stop Snoring Due to Nasal Problems
To stop snoring that is not as a result of nasal problems , you can engage in various activities geared towards eliminating the causes. Below are some tips on how to go about
Change your sleeping position
Lying on the back makes the tongue to collapse to the back and get to the wall of the throat. This causes snoring. To stop this, sleep on your side. You could also acquire a body pillow to support your whole body. It ensures that sleeping on the side is maintained.
Another way of achieving the same is by stitching a tennis ball on the back of a pajama. This way the discomfort of the ball when you turn will cause you to turn back to the side. You could also try sleeping with your head propped up a bit to prevent the tongue from collapsing on the throat. This should help reduce snoring.
Shed some weight
This is only relevant for people whose cause of snoring is being overweight. In case you have recently gained weight and just started snoring, shedding some of it could help.
Quite Drinking and smoking
Alcohol depresses the central nervous system. People who take alcohol two to five hours to sleep time tend to snore. Those who do normally drink will observe that their drinking worsens whenever they drink. Smoking also leads to the irritation of the nasal cavity. This contributes to increase snoring. To put an end to it, quit smoking.
Sleep hygiene
Poor sleeping habits which are also referred to as poor sleeping hygiene affect you in the same way alcohol does. When you work for long hours without getting enough sleep, you get to bed when you are too tired. As a result, the muscles will become floppier due to the deep and hard sleeping. All this causes snoring. To avoid it, get enough sleep.
Nasal drainage
In case the cause of snoring is a blocked nasal passage, keeping it open will control it. When the nose is clogged or narrowed due to blockage, air that passes through it is likely to cause snoring. To unblock, use salt water to rinse off the nose before sleeping. A neti pot can also serve the same purpose just as can nasal strips. These work when the snoring problem is originating from the nose.
New pillows
When the pillows harbor allergens, one can experience snoring. Dust mites could also accumulate in it. When pets sleep on them, they also leave dander which could cause irritation to the airways when breathed in. One way of telling if this could be happening is when you are okay during the day but feel obstructed at night. Ensure that you put the pillows in the air fluff cycle regularly and change them every six months.
Be well hydrated
When one is dehydrated, the soft palate and the nose become stickier. These cause you to keep snoring. To have a good night’s sleep drink enough water all through the day.
Although snoring may cause no harm, it is important to stay alert. Snoring could be an indication of sleep apnea. This is a life threatening condition that requires medical attention. When you have this condition, there is an obstruction in breathing. As a result, you keep waking up to be in a position to start breathing again. In normal cases, snoring does not interfere with sleep. In case you are seeking an extreme snoring remedy, it is important to visit the doctor first to rule out sleep apnea.
A study has shown that 25% of people who snore, have condition called sleep apnea when air passage of throat completely collapse during deep sleep and stop breathing in them. During sleep apneas, heart and brain of that person do not get sufficient oxygen increasing the chances of heart attack and stroke 3-4 times. If you have problem of loud snoring and daytime tiredness/sleepiness, get sleep test done to rule out sleep apnea from a sleep clinic
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